Hi, sweetie, how are you? I hope you find yourself very well love, it makes me happy that you are looking here looking at my content and my profile, I introduce myself to my name but my artistic name is Shanon, so you can call me as you seem better, I love to meet new people so I want you to know me to me, and I hope to have the opportunity to meet you, that would make myself happy I live in Latin America in the country of Colombia, I am 24 years old and study social communication with a focus mostly to journalism, I love to travel To different places knowing and expanding my tour in my own country, since as my country will know it is very touristic, I love to eat good food, gastronomic art is incredible in different cultures and you can't imagine how much I love sleeping, and good Going to the point I am here because I love sharing, talking, laugh Ada and tell me how much they like my face with a cock in my mouth or drool , making me feel on the moon but at the same time in hell, because my room is a place full of pleasure, of good conversations but especially of exciting moments, I will give you what you ask me and much more if you heat me and discover my most Dark wishes, but one of the things that I like the most is that they are gentlemen and light a cigarette for me, I not only like it, it excites me, it makes me feel that I get wet. I often love to masturbate and play with my clitoris while my humid fingers enter me and then I put them in my mouth to savor my juices, it is more exciting if you make me imagine that it is a cock entering and leaving, where I am located by what General is very hot and that puts my mind and my body to fly, I want you And give him a lot of love, and if you want to play with me, do not hesitate to tell me and make me vibrate to be able You want it to be, because I love the cum in my face and I want to make you spend a pleasant moment and that if you like it, the occasion is repeated.
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